What’s in your dig bag, Samantha Lindgren?

In our “What’s in your dig bag?” series, we asked working field archaeologists what they carry with them out in the field. We wanted to know what gear they love and what items might be unique to them. I wear a loose cloth hat with a brim[…]


The Context of Ancient Egyptian Statuary in the Levant

The presence of Egyptian material culture in the Levant has long intrigued scholars in the fields of Levantine archaeology and Egyptology alike as evidence […]


Continuity & Discontinuity in the LB IIB/Iron I Transition

During the early 20th century, the transition between the Late Bronze IIB and Iron I was characterized as one of discontinuity, based primarily upon the biblical model […]


The State of Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies in America

By: Mark S. Smith I thank ANE Today for asking me to address this question. The perspective on the state of Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern (ANE) studies that I offer here is my personal take; I speak for no one else. Furthermore, my remarks are also hardly comprehensive. The field has been in a […]


Cuneiform Exceptionalism: An Argument for Studying and Publishing Unprovenanced Tablets

By: Jerrold S. Cooper, Ph.D. Department of Near Eastern Studies Johns Hopkins University I always opposed the publication of looted cuneiform tablets, until I had a sudden epiphany at theASOR meeting in San Antonio. There, archaeologist John Russell, newly returned from Iraq, estimated that tablets were leaving Iraq at the rate of thousands […]