Remix: Mohammad “Abu Ahmed” Adawi, Chef at ACOR (1968-present)

Here’s another chef’s story and another yummy looking recipe from the early days of the ASOR Blog. I haven’t tried this one myself yet but I’d love to know if anyone had made it at home or has any other recipes to share! -Jen Contributed by Sarah Harpending, American Center of Oriental Research Mohammed “Abu […]


Ten Years after Iraq: Archaeology, Archaeologists, and U.S. Foreign Relations

By: Morag M. Kersel and Christina Luke Ten years ago, in April of, a coalition led by the United States invaded Iraq. This quickly toppled the Ba’athist regime of Saddam Hussein but also resulted in the loss of life, local unrest, displacement, and the ransacking of cultural institutions, archives, libraries, and the national museum […]

cultural heritage month banner

Protecting, Preserving, and Presenting Cultural Heritage in Petra: The Temple of the Winged Lions Cultural Resource Management Initiative

By: Christopher A. Tuttle Two hundred years ago, on 22 August 1812, the ancient city of Petra was re-identified by the Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt, the first European on record to have visited the site since the 13thcentury. Word of his discovery quickly spread and other visitors soon followed in his footsteps—inaugurating a bicentennial of […]


“Weathering Life” at the American Center for Oriental Research in Amman, Jordan

Contributed by Sarah Tobin, ACOR Fellow, PhD Candidate at Boston University Perched atop a hillside across from the University of Jordan, ACOR is the perfect location for observing the patterns of life in Amman. Each morning, trucks delivering cooking gas to neighborhood homes drive by, announcing their presence with what can only be described as […]


Secrets of The Bible’s Buried Secrets

Contributed by Tristan Barako, Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Providence Pictures When The Bible’s Buried Secrets premiered on PBS this past November, it was NOVA’s most watched show in the past five years, attesting to the enduring interest that biblical archaeology holds for the general public. The two-hour special was produced by Providence Pictures, where I now […]


Mohammad “Abu Ahmed” Adawi, Chef at ACOR 1968-present

Contributed by Sarah Harpending, American Center of Oriental Research Mohammed “Abu Ahmed” Adawi has spent more than 40 years cooking for archaeologists in Jordan and Palestine. He began as a laborer at the dig in Jericho with Kathleen Kenyon in 1956. By 1960 he was cooking at ASOR in Jerusalem under then Head Chef Omar […]